Multistrada 1200 Motorcycle GPS Mounting Project
See also: RAM-B-367 GPS RAM Mount – Multistrada 1200
See also: Ducati Multistrada 1200 MTS1200 GPS / Sat Nav (SatNav) Info
See also: Ducati Multistrada 1200 GPS SatNav Mount Installation
See also: Multistrada 1200 Motorcycle GPS Mounting Project (2)
**WARNING** – the onboard GPS power connector supplies 12 volts (12V) and therefore is not suitable for direct connection to GPS units that require a 5 volt (5V) power supply without modification. Typically 5V systems e.g. ‘TomTom One’ charge/are powered via a USB type socket only but check your manual. 5V SatNav systems will require a 12v to 5v voltage regulator incorporated into the power lead (available from electrical/electronics retailers e.g. Maplins)Comment: Re FUSE: [ErikS, Holland] …I also want tot power a Zumo 550 like this. Question: Is it not necessary to use a fuse between the point of power and the Zumo?
[AndyW] …the GPS power supply on the bike is bound to be fused at some point / protected via the CANbus system so I didn’t bother with an inline fuse. However I have seen the wiring for the Ducati (rebadged Garmin!) dealer installed system and they did fit an inline fuse where the GPS power lead connects to the onboard GPS power socket under the right tank side panel…….no harm in doing so (belt and braces 😉 I’m very confident in my wiring/electrical skills so have no worries, maybe better safe than sorry for others though.
FlightComp Multistrada 1200 Replacement Handlebar Clamp with GPS RAM Ball Mounting Lug. See here |
GPS Mounting Project
By member ‘Dr Phibes’ (aka Geoff)
In the absence of suitable branded GPS mounting for the Mutley below is the ‘PhibesTech’ mounting kit. Just for info really as I thought it might help others with their own ideas, etc.
The ‘PhibesTech’ kit consists of mounting bracket machined from billet alu, two steel sleeves, two M8 stainless bolts, two M4 (I think) bolts, and a stainless steel mounting plate.
The mounting bracket was machined for me by a local specialist motorcycle custom and service shop and designed to fit across the handlebar clamp. The plan was to make something that did not involve any modification of stock parts, but gave maximum adjustability, and a secure, robust yet simple fit. It also had to look reasonably good.
The stainless mounting plate is straight from a bracket kit I had for mounting a Zumo to my FJR – it would be fairly simple to fabricate however. It is drilled to fit my Zumo but could mount almost any GPS.
Here is the mounting plate with my Zumo mount fitted – notice the fixing holes on the side of the plate are off-set. This allows for different positions depending on the holes used and which way round the plate is fitted (it will make more sense in a minute)
Here are the two sleeves in place after removing the stock bolts from the handlebar bracket.
Below is the billet mounting bracket fitted using the longer M8 bolts. Notice this can be mounted on the upper or lower handlebar bracket bolts giving further adjustment and choice. I worked out my preference for positioning earlier. Notice also the two tapped holes on the side of the raised section for even further adjustment.
Here is the mounting plate, with the Zumo mount, fitted to the billet bracket with the small M4 bolts seen earlier. There are, then, two offset holes in the stainless plate as well as two tapped holes in the billet bracket for fine adjustment up and down. The plate will also pivot the angle of the Zumo for personal preference.
Lastly a couple of pics of finished project with Zumo in place. The whole mounting is rock solid and practically indestructible. There is sufficient room to add shock absorbing features if needed but the handlbars are sufficiently damped I think not to need further assistance.
Update 07Aug2010:
Fabrication and machining one-off’s is expensive (I got it done by a local firm) and to get a kit down to a reasonable price I expect a fair sized run would need to be commissioned. I’m now working on the MK2 version – a reworked mounting plate (the stainless bit that the Zumo cradle screws to) that incorporates anti-vibration. This is because I noticed that at steady speeds there is some vibration getting through the risers to the Zumo. I don’t think this is a problem but I want to fix it anyway.
The design problem is in keeping it compact. At the moment the complete mounting stands only about 35mm from handlebar clamp and is ideal so I don’t want to bring it any further toward the rider – ho hum, I’ll figure it out.
(the 550 cradle is quite deep but the new 660 cradle seems comparatively shallow.