Messages You Can’t Ignore! – Motorcycle Safety / Road Safety
See more motorcycle safety videos here: Biking Videos
‘Messages’ For All Other Motorists / Road Users
Motorcyclists are disproportionately involved in fatal and serious injury crashes when you look at road accident statistics. There’s something we can all do to reduce the number of motorcycle accidents and crashes whether you’re a motorcyclist or not.
Some of the videos / movies you’ll find here use humour to get their message across others use less subtle means! 🙂
‘Messages’ For Motorcyclists / Bike Riders:
Perfect Day – motorcycle safety video, aimed at ALL motorcycle riders, by the UK DOT Think! campaign that really gets the message across….think ahead, plan ahead, expect the unexpected! Think!
A Street, A Track, An open Road
This DVD has been put together in response to an unusually high number of motorcycle fatalities and accidents (2004/2005). Instead of lecturing people on safety we wanted to present motorcycle training as fun and essential for people of all abilities (includes 4 movie clips from the full DVD)
Following other vehicles…
If you can’t see the driver’s mirror you can’t be seen!
‘Messages’ For All Other Motorists / Road Users:
Take longer to look for bikes – How close does a biker have to be before you see them?
Road Safety Campaign – “‘Give motorcyclists a second thought”
Another TV advert by TFL (Transport for London) that warns drivers of the dangerous ‘optical effect’ that can lead to collisions with motorcyclists. Aimed at reducing the number of motorcyclists killed or injured in the Capital the message applies anywhere!
A Day Out In Devon SMIDSY – a bikers revenge! SMIDSY, an acronym used all too often by motorcyclists for the now infamous words uttered by so many car drivers (other vehicle drivers) – “Sorry mate I didn’t see you”
Please Look Twice! Motorcyclists are disproportionately involved in fatal and serious injury crashes when you look at road accident statistics. There’s something we can all do to reduce the number of motorcycle accidents and crashes whether you’re a motorcyclist or not
Speed Limits – Road Safety Campaigns

“sorry mate I didn’t see you” Poster campaigns by
DOT Think! Motorcycle Safety
Dont Take It In – Ever glanced at your watch and had to look again because you didn’t register what time it is?………………… SOMETIMES A QUICK GLANCE ISN’T ENOUGH! (mp3 audio file)
Brother John – My brother is invisible……… (mp3 audio file)
Please Look Twice! – What do we have to do to get noticed?! A serious message put over with a little humour to great effect 🙂 Video TV campaign by the Motorcycle Council of NSW plus a video from the AMA in the USA aimed at increasing motorcycle awarness amongst car drivers and other road users.