Wanderlust GPS World Maps
Satellite Navigation World Maps
Worldwide SatNav mapping
See also – On Route
Wanderlust WorldMap – A GPS Worldmap created from public domain and donated user maps. It’s a must-have for anyone going outside the commercially available GPS map areas. The next release will include Topo data that you can overlay. The map is NOT routable yet (future release;-) but it has way more data than the Garmin Worldmap and it will only cost you just a fraction of the cost of the Garmin World Map
If you travel long distance with a GPS its both a blessing and a curse. You know exactly where you are but the maps are *very* expensive. Imagine how much Garmin maps for the whole world would cost!

Wanderlust Worldmap
– contains four times the GPS data (and
increasing rapidly!) vs Garmin’s Worldmap
– Loads directly into Mapsource
– Contains every populated place on the globe
– most major global cities down to street level
– £25 ‘one-time’ only license fee
– £10 per year for all new version download access
– newly revised and accurate data (2007)
Click the image to go to the Wanderlust Worldmap website >>>> If you already have an account login, if not Register for an evaluation account for access to the full website including sample software and maps. Download some sample maps

Wanderlust Worldmap…it’s just better than anything else out there!!!

Is it really better than Garmin’s world map? The obvious people to ask are those that have experience of both maps and they’ll give you a resounding YES! to that question. We frequently hear of riders reporting how they’d enter a large city and desperately need street level data that wasn’t available via Garmin maps. The data and route information was often out of date, tracks that were shown on Garmin’s Worldmap sometimes simply weren’t there any longer.
Don’t take our word for it – see for yourself…
The images below are ‘screenshots’ of Garmin’s maps (on the left) compared against Wanderlust maps (on the right). They’re taken from exactly the same global position within Garmin’s Mapsource program.
The three comparisons are at 100-mile scale, 2-mile scale and 0.2 mile scale. The Garmin 0.2 mile scale image in particular emphasises the benefits of the Wanderlust maps! (click each image to see a larger version in a new window)

You know where you need to go now! – Wanderlust GPS Worldmap

See also – On Route