BikeSafe (Rider training)

BikeSafe is an initiative run by Police Forces around the United Kingdom who work with the whole of the biking world to help to lower the number of motorcycle rider casualties. By passing on their knowledge, skills and experience, police motorcyclists can help you become a safer more competent rider.
BikeSafe rider resources, advice and tips – see below
They help you to increase your ability and confidence, so you can get even more enjoyment from riding your motorcycle.
The Bikesafe initiative is a nationwide plan of action to reduce the number of motorcycle accident casualties by promoting safer riding.
Choose your local force page from the menu on the right on the Bike Safe website and see what’s going on in your area.

BikeSafe Advice Centre
…articles on Hazard Awareness, Cornering, Junctions, Overtaking, Filtering,
Group Riding, Crime Reduction, First Aid, Winter Riding, Event Plannin