BMW GS Owners Websites
Links to websites set up by BMW GS owners and relevant to GS motorcycles, motorcycling in general e.g. biking adventures, tours and trips and not necessarily specific to the R1200GS.
Contact me to have your personal pages / website added – contact AndyW
NB: the links are random fttb but as the number increases I’ll sectionalise them 🙂 – Jim produces a number of maintenance/serice DVDs for the R1200GS, 1150GS and 1100GS. You’ll find info on these plus GS related FAQs/links and more. – Welcome to, the motorcycle routes knowledge base for Motorcycle Travel. Using this site you can search for the best sport touring and Motorcycle touring roads in your area and for motorcycle holidays. Enter your favourite roads to see how they compare with others…
ukGSer “Lamble” – Three Teas Tour charity fund raising – really nice site bu ukGSer ‘Garfield’
Without a doubt, the single biggest passion in my life is bikes. I’ve been riding for over 14 years now and in that time have been fortunate to have owned and ridden a lot of different bikes. The best bit of all is being able to combine my love of bikes with my other passions; people, the open road and travel to far flung places…
STAHLKOFFER Panniers – aluminium cases and luggage accessories (case liners etc). Well-designed, strong, practical water/dust proof motorcycle luggage manufactured in the UK. – Interactive trip reports from ‘Demito’. A brilliant example of GPS ‘tracks’ being used to produce an interative route map that you can click on to see photographs taken at that point! VERY worthwhile having a look!!! – The Boreen Run is an annual event run by the Irish Section of The BMW Club of Great Britain and Ireland. The first run took place in 2001 and traditionally takes place on the Irish August bank holiday weekend
GSclubUK’er Nick – personal GS pages – lots of pages on Nick’s tours and adventures Ebbo currently rides an R1200RT but he’s a long time member and contributor on and he has some great content on his site relating to his bike trips, product reviews, GPS stuff, R11RT/R1200RT modifications and more. – England to South Africa by R850GS. Early 2006 I decided to test the bike (..and myself) by riding from England to South Africa. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride!………